We want S-400 missile system as well as F-35 jets.. We treat the USA and Russia as our allies.. Aren’t these mutually exclusive?

When I am challenged by any kind of developments that I find difficult to understand, unlike some other people, I start to question my own way of approach. “Could it be the case that I am wrong and others whom I think to be wrong are, in fact, right?” is the first question I ask...

When I am challenged by any kind of developments that I find difficult to understand, unlike some other people, I start to question my own way of approach. Could it be the case that I am wrong and others whom I think to be wrong are, in fact, right?” is the first question I ask myself in such a situation.

Nowadays, this question above often arises in my mind.

Including some aspects of the re-run of the election in Istanbul arranged for June 23, there are a great deal of matters concerning domestic politics that I find incomprehensible. I notice a series of mistakes that I would never make if I were in the position of the decision makers.

Quite understandably, I cannot help but immediately start to ask the question I mentioned above when I face such confusing events: “May it be that I am the one wrong here?

We lost an empire

A development which I find particularly incomprehensible nowadays takes place in the sphere of foreign policy. I intend to share my views on this topic today.

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