The name of Ekrem İmamoğlu has vanished into thin air.. But this censorship most probably will work for his benefit…

You must be aware of it too, as it is impossible not to be aware of: The name of Ekrem İmamoğlu has simply disappeared into the blue in newspapers’ political commentaries. Concerted attacks of the propaganda machine against him in the media are incessantly continuing -it may...

You must be aware of it too, as it is impossible not to be aware of: The name of Ekrem İmamoğlu has simply disappeared into the blue in newspapers’ political commentaries. Concerted attacks of the propaganda machine against him in the media are incessantly continuing -it may even be said that such attacks are increasing- but the attacks are carried out without addressing him by name, though…

Ekrem İmamoğlu exists, of course, but as a man without a name. . .

I wonder why.

We hear that the order to censor his name has come straight from the top, and the media have strongly been advised not to use the name Ekrem İmamoğlu… What is expected from commentators in the pro-government media is to address him as the ‘CHP’s candidate‘ instead of his name -or as ‘the CHP’s candidate İmamoğlu‘ if one felt to use his name inevitable…

This is a rumor. Initially, I found it difficult to believe what I heard; but, when all those well-known personalities in the media who addressed Ekrem İmamoğlu by his name until a few days ago have all started addressing him as the ‘CHP’s candidate‘ without using his name, one cannot help but think that there is an element of truth in the rumor.

If who gave the order is somewhat suspicious about whether or not his order is being obeyed in the media, I am more than wiling to assure him that the name of Ekrem İmamoğlu has disappeared almost completely from commentaries in newspapers.

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