President said “We are at war”, but we mortals are more concerned with a trivial matter.. I myself wonder why?

The statement has come from top of the government concerning Turkey’s military intervention in east of the Euphrates in Syria: “I have given the necessary instructions” said President Tayyip Erdoğan, adding that the operation could start “tonight...

The statement has come from top of the government concerning Turkey’s military intervention in east of the Euphrates in Syria: “I have given the necessary instructions” said President Tayyip Erdoğan, adding that the operation could start “tonight perhaps, or tomorrow, or earlier than tomorrow.” According to what he said, Turkey would carry out air strikes against its targets in addition to ground action.

Not surprising, giving the fact that there were reports in media recently about Turkey’s increasing military deployment along the Syrian border.

President Tayyip Erdoğan has announced earlier in several occasions that Turkey would unilaterally initiate a military operation beyond the border against the threatening forces if Washington did not act together with Turkey on the basis of the Turkish terms of creation of a safe zone.

He now sets time for the operation: “Today… Tomorrow… Perhaps earlier than tomorrow...”

Not even a modest sign of sensation

Some individuals that I contacted to ask their opinions on the matter find such an operation unlikely, and I wonder why.

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